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Different Types of Assault: Denver Criminal Defense Attorney Guide

Assault charges in Colorado can vary significantly based on the circumstances and severity of the alleged offense. Understanding these differences is crucial for anyone facing such charges. A Denver criminal defense attorney can provide essential guidance and representation for navigating these complex legal issues. Here’s an overview of the types of assault charges you might encounter in Denver, CO.

Types of Assault

Third-Degree Assault

Third-degree assault is considered the least severe form of assault in Colorado. It involves knowingly or recklessly causing bodily injury to another person, or with criminal negligence, causing bodily injury using a deadly weapon. This charge is usually classified as a Class 1 misdemeanor, but it can still result in serious consequences, including fines and jail time. A Denver criminal defense attorney can help you understand the specifics of your case and work to minimize potential penalties. 

Second-Degree Assault

Second-degree assault is more serious and involves intentionally causing bodily injury to another person with a deadly weapon, or causing serious bodily injury through the use of physical force. This can also include situations where the injury results from an intent to prevent someone from performing a lawful duty, such as a police officer. Second-degree assault is typically charged as a Class 4 felony, carrying significant prison time and fines. Consulting with a Denver criminal defense attorney is essential to build a strong defense.

First-Degree Assault

First-degree assault is the most severe assault charge in Colorado, involving the intent to cause serious bodily injury with a deadly weapon. It also includes actions that create a grave risk of death or cause disfigurement or long-term impairment. First-degree assault is classified as a Class 3 felony, with potential felony penalties including lengthy prison sentences and substantial fines. A Denver criminal defense attorney will rigorously investigate the case, seeking to challenge the prosecution’s evidence and reduce the charges. 

Domestic Violence and Assault

Assault charges can be further complicated when they occur in a domestic violence context. In Colorado, domestic violence is not a separate charge but a sentencing enhancer that can apply to any assault case involving an intimate partner or family member. This can lead to more severe penalties and mandatory counseling. A Denver criminal defense attorney experienced in domestic violence cases can provide the specialized defense needed in these situations. 

Assault charges in Colorado range from misdemeanors to serious felonies, each carrying distinct legal consequences. Navigating these charges requires a deep understanding of state laws and a strategic defense approach. A Denver criminal defense attorney can provide the expertise and representation necessary to protect your rights and pursue the best possible outcome. If you are facing assault charges, contact a Denver criminal defense attorney to discuss your case and explore your legal options.

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